100 Inspirational, Tongue-Twisting ​Quotes That Mean Absolutely Nothing

This Book Is Terrible — But Great For Tongues

The unproven best author on Earth, B.P. Baconcakes, ​challenges your speech and ability to endure ridiculous ​phrases. The world’s best nonsensical quotes are now ​available for your “enjoyment.”

Absolutely Stupid

“The only possible benefit to reading this book is if you ​say the words out loud to train your speech. Otherwise, ​let the festivities of ridiculous, brain-numbing stupidity ​begin.” - A Real Person

In other words, if you want dumb entertainment, this ​book will give it to you real good. If you want to learn ​to speak better, this book will also train you say ​complex words and sentences with confidence.

Finally, we have a book that perfectly blends random ​humor with actual learning. Finally, we have learning ​with stupid.

What readers are saying

This book changed my life ​and I want to thank God for ​Baconcakes.”

- Absolutely Nobody

“Baconcakes is the reason I ​graduated college”

- No one said that

“There is no better solution to ​life than this book.”

- Everyone Disagrees

About the author

  • B.P. Baconcakes is a legend from beyond the mists of time ​itself, swiftly shaking the sky as he glides through the ​Everglades. No one could bear the full entirety of Baconcakes’ ​awesomeness.
  • He thrives in a glorious tower in the greatest mountains of ​Alaska — his home adorned with tropical foliage, exotic ​animal friends, and an endless supply of his one true love: ​fresh guacamole.
  • Baconcakes gained incredible wealth by impossibly hacking ​Bruce, taking down the bat himself.
  • He invested Bruce’s parents’ money and now appropriates ​90% of his income as relief support to millions of real ​vigilantes.

- Totally Not True

"In reality, I firmly believe that obscure hands-on learning is paramount. In hopes this book ​is fun and engaging for all ages, I've aimed to create an oddity of training for ​communication in real-world speaking skills by curating difficult phrases that create ​ridiculous images in the mind to challenge the brain's ability to pronounce the sentence." - ​B.P. Baconcakes

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